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Request for Information (RFI) - BreastScreen NSW Breast Density Reporting Software - RFT-10064761

RFT ID RFT-10064761
RFT Type Invitation To Respond
Published 15-Jan-2024
Closes 5-Feb-2024 10:00am
Category Healthcare
Agency Cancer Institute NSW

Contact Person
Tim Sweeney
Phone: 0

Tender Details

BreastScreen NSW is part of NSW Health and is the leading provider of breast screening in NSW, conducting approximately 400,000 screens per annum. The eligibility for clients is age 40 and over, although approximately 90% of clients are aged between 50-74.

BreastScreen NSW does not currently report mammographic density to clients unless the client undertakes additional tests beyond their screening mammogram. BreastScreen NSW is investigating reporting mammographic density to all clients who screen within the program. BreastScreen NSW is seeking to utilise software to enable the measurement and reporting of density to clients.

The BreastScreen NSW program manages images with the Sectra PACS system, and the client record is managed in Orion BIS system. These systems are integrated to provide a complete electronic client record.

BreastScreen NSW uses two-dimensional digital mammography to screen clients and aims to produce images of a consistently high diagnostic quality. All clients have two view mammography as the standard mammographic screening examination. Radiographers/mammography practitioners will undertake two views of each breast consisting of:

• cranio-caudal (CC)

• medio-lateral oblique (MLO)

The desirable CC projection will demonstrate:

• medial border

• nipple in profile or skin edge seen transecting nipple (retro-areolar tissue well separated)

• nipple in midline of imaged breast

• posterior nipple line (PNL) within 1cm of PNL on MLO view

The desirable MLO projection will demonstrate:

• pectoral muscle shadow to nipple level

• full width of pectoral muscle

• nipple in profile or skin edge seen transecting nipple (retro-areolar tissue well separated)

• infra-mammary angle well demonstrated

• PNL within 1cm of PNL on CC view




Request for Information

BreastScreen NSW is seeking product information regarding the measurement of mammographic density. Note that BreastScreen NSW will only consider products which are approved for use by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australia.

• Please provide an overview of the key features of your product

• Please provide technical specifications regarding your mammographic density measurement product

• Please provide details regarding how the software measures mammographic density

• Please provide details regarding integration with PACS systems and client information systems

• Please provide information regarding hosting options

• Please provide confirmation that your product is approved for clinical use by the TGA

• Please provide approximate cost structure for your product, including:

• Licensing

• Implementation

• Please provide information regarding anticipated feature enhancements


Note: this Request for Information (RFI) is being conducted for information purposes only. Participation by an organisation in this RFI exercise is not an indication or guarantee of invitation or other involvement in any procurement exercises or other commercial processes related to the items covered under this RFI that may be conducted in future.


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Invitation To Respond - This is not a tender. The system is being used for invitation for public response to information published on, or accessible through, this website. Examples would include EIS, discussion papers, requests for information, registrations for position appointments, etc.

Note: this Request for Information (RFI) is being conducted for information purposes only. Participation by an organisation in this RFI exercise is not an indication or guarantee of invitation or other involvement in any procurement exercises or other commercial processes related to the items covered under this RFI that may be conducted in future.

Additional Details / Instructions

Refer to RFI Documentation

Conditions for Participation

Note: this Request for Information (RFI) is being conducted for information purposes only. Participation by an organisation in this RFI exercise is not an indication or guarantee of invitation or other involvement in any procurement exercises or other commercial processes related to the items covered under this RFI that may be conducted in future.

Multi Agency Access
