Tender Details
Sydney Metro is Australia’s largest public transport project.
Sydney Metro has two core components:
Stage 1: Sydney Metro Northwest – formerly the 36km North West Rail Link. This project is now under construction and will open in the first half of 2019 with a metro train every four minutes in the peak; and
Stage 2: Sydney Metro City & Southwest – a new 30km metro line extending metro rail from the end of Sydney Metro Northwest at Chatswood under Sydney Harbour, through new CBD stations and southwest to Bankstown. It is due to open in 2024 with the capacity to run a metro train every two minutes each way through the centre of Sydney.
The NSW Government has identified both stages of Sydney Metro as priority projects.
The Stage 2 Sydney Metro City & Southwest is expected to open in 2024 and will be delivered through two components:
Chatswood to Sydenham - new 15.5 kilometre twin tunnels from Chatswood to Sydenham;
Sydenham to Bankstown upgrade - upgrade of 13.5 kilometre rail line and conversion of all 11 stations between Sydenham and Bankstown to metro standards.
This Invitation for Expression of Interest deals with the first component of the Sydney Metro City & Southwest, which is for a Tunnel and Station Excavation (“TSE”) Works package.
Additional information on the project is available on the Sydney Metro City & Southwest project website at http://sydneymetro.info/home.
The Tunnel & Station Excavation (“TSE”) Works for the Sydney Metro City & Southwest project comprises new 15.5 kilometre twin tunnels from Chatswood, under Sydney Harbour, under Sydney’s CBD and through to Sydenham.
TfNSW intends to deliver the TSE Works under a fixed price lump sum design and construct contract for the demolition and site preparation, tunnel boring and lining and excavation of stations between Chatswood and Sydenham.
The TSE Works will be a single contract that includes all tunnelling from Chatswood to Sydenham, including the sections of tunnel beneath the harbour.
Registrations are now open for suitably experienced and qualified relevant entities to participate in the TSE Works EOI process.
Relevant entities may include:
- major tunnelling design and construction contractors;
major civil engineering design and construction contractors;
major structural design and construction contractors; and
others who in the opinion of the Project team should be registered for the EOI process
Entities that are not relevant entities will not be registered.
In order to participate in the TSE Works EOI process, including to receive the Invitation for EOI, request and receive clarifications, and to submit an EOI, an entity must either have:
- registered to participate in the EOI process; or
where the entity is a consortium or other such group, had at least one of its members registered to participate in the EOI process.
Entities may register interest as individual entities or as consortia; however, fully formed consortium structures are not required to be registered at this stage.
The registration process is designed to ensure that entities participating in the EOI process are bona fide entities for the TSE package.
To register, an entity must:
- return a copy of the completed registration form and the executed Confidentiality Deed Poll by email to TfNSW's nominated contact person at SydneyMetro.TSE@transport.nsw.gov.au; and
mail the original completed registration form and the executed Confidentiality Deed Poll to:
TSE Package - Registration for Invitation for EOI
Sydney Metro City & Southwest Project
Ground Floor, South Building
22 Giffnock Avenue,
Macquarie Park,
NSW 2113, Australia
Upon TfNSW’s receipt of all completed documents from a bona fide entity, a confirmation email will be sent to the entity.
Registration applications will close at 5:00pm on 22 April 2016.
Refer to Additional Details / Instructions
RFT Type
This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details
Additional Details / Instructions
Northern Sydney, Sydney CBD and Sydney South West
Conditions for Participation
An entity must either:
have registered to participate in the EOI process or,
in the case of a consortium or other such group, have at least one of its members registered to participate in the EOI process,
in order to receive the Invitation for EOI and to participate in the EOI process.
Estimated Timeframe for Delivery