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NSW ICAC Transcription Service - RFT-10068631

RFT ID RFT-10068631
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 14-May-2024
Closes 11-Jun-2024 5:00pm
Category Professional Services (excl Consultancies)
Agency Independent Commission Against Corruption

Agency Address
Level 7, 255 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000

Contact Person
Sheryn Ho
Phone: (02) 8281 5999

Tender Details

This Request For Tender (RFT) seeks tenders from suppliers for the provision of a transcription service for the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) described in the Statement of Requirements herein.

The ICAC proposes to enter into a contract in the form of the  Agreement with the successful tenderer. The Agreement will be in place for a term of three (3) years, with provision for ICAC to exercise an option to extend the period of the Agreement for a period of one (1) year and provision for ICAC to exercise a further option to extend the period of the Agreement for a further period of one (1) year.



Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Additional Details / Instructions

The ICAC also reserves the right to discontinue the tender process at any point, without making a determination regarding acceptance or rejection of tenders.

Please refer to the attached Transcription Services RFT document for all information relating to this Tender.


Address for Lodgement

Tender Lodgement is detailed in section 6.4 of the Tendering Conditions in the Transcription Services RFT document.

Conditions for Participation

Eligibility to Tender is detailed in section 5 of the Tendering Conditions in the Transcription Services RFT document.

Estimated Timeframe for Delivery

The provisional RFT program with dated milestone is detailed in section 6.1 of the Tendering Conditions in the Transcription Services RFT document.

Multi Agency Access
