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Eurobodalla Water Supply: Water transfer system: - 0600003

RFT ID 0600003
RFT Type Pre-Qualified / Invited
Published 27-Apr-2007
Closes 21-Jun-2007 9:30am
Category Public Utilities and Public Sector Related Services
Agency NSW Public Works

Contact Person
Clinton Chapman
Phone: 02 4474 7552
Mobile: 0413389794

Tender Details

A dedicated pipeline to be built between the Moruya River intake and Deep Creek Dam for the purpose of filling Deep Creek aand providing a homogenous and better overall water quality in the dam.


NSW Regions: South Eastern

RFT Type

Pre-Qualified / Invited - Only those directly invited to tender, may obtain an RFT for the purpose of lodging a tender response. Generally an invitation from a pre-qualified register of approved tenderers who have the ability to undertake the particular work or type of work proposed, a limited number of service providers are known to carry out the work or service (or in emergency or other restricted situations). Tenderers have usually been pre-qualified, accredited, or selected for the type of work and financial range. Competitive bids called from a standing offer (panel / period) contracts would also use this type.

Tender Respondents

Business Name Trading Name Address
Diona Pty Ltd - Unit 5, 322 Annangrove Road
Rouse Hill NSW 2155
Ecocivil Pty Limited - 15 Bruce Crescent
Wallarah NSW 2259
Haslin Constructions Pty Limited - Suite 2, 2-4 Merton Street
Sutherland NSW 2232
McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd Jointly and severally with McConnell Dowell Corporation Limited - Level 7, Tower B, 799 Pacific Highway
Chatswood NSW 2067
Reed Constructions Australia Pty Limited - Level 3, 41 McLaren Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

Related Records

  • Contract Award Notices:
    • 0600003  Ecocivil Pty Limited

Additional Details / Instructions

The Invited Tenderers are:

  • Reed Constructions Australia Pty Limited, North sydney.
  • Ecocivil Pty Limited, Wallarah.
  • Haslin Constructions Pty Limited, Sutherland.
  • Diona Pty Ltd, Castle Hill .
  • Mcconnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) P/L, West Gosford.

    ONLY tender responses from the above companies will be accepted.

    Documentation available for this RFT.
    A softcopy of the whole specification including a separate softcopy of the returnable schedules including drawings (Volume 2) and addendum1 is available for downloading by following the instructions below.
    Appendices items A-J to Volume 1 are available on CD only from Clinton Chapman on 02 4474 7552
    Obtaining RFT Documentation

  • First time visitors to this web site who wish to download or order documents will need to self-register on this web site to gain access to the documents.
    Softcopy Document
  • An electronic version of the specification and returnable schedules can be downloaded from this web site free of charge.
  • To obtain the provided specificatio and schedules from this web site download all the provided files by clicking on the "DOWNLOAD A SOFT COPY" link at the bottom of this page and following the on screen instructions.
    Hardcopy Document
  • This can be ordered on-line via this Web Site. It will then be posted to your registered address (not Post Office box) To order click on the blue "ORDER A CD/HARD COPY" link at the bottom of this page and follow the on screen instructions; or
  • It may be ordered by telephoning on 02 42268504 between the hours of 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday;
    An Exhibited hardcopy of this RFT is available for viewing at the Wollongong Office, Level 3 84 Crown street, Wollongong.

    Submitting your response - Electronic Lodgement
    When you have completed your response you can lodge it electronically via this Web Site.
    You must be a registered user in order to submit a response.
    Click on the "LODGE A RESPONSE" link at the bottom of this page and follow the on-screen instructions.

    PC Software requirements:
    To be able to open and read/view the downloaded files for this RFT you may require certain software to be installed on your PC:
  • Adobe ® Acrobat Reader ® 5.0 (or more recent)
  • WinZip ® 7.0 (or more recent) or equivalent

    Additional software may also be required, including the following, depending on the file types provided:

  • Microsoft ® Word 97 (or more recent) or equivalent.
  • Microsoft ® Excel 97 (or more recent) or equivalent.

    Other requirements:

  • An Internet connection to lodge completed responses.
  • This web site has been optimised for the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.