Scheme Details
Due to the recent bushfires, the NSW Government would like to hear from anyone that may have capability and capacity to provide goods and/or services in affected regions.
We are establishing a supplier list that covers any goods or services; including those not currently available under our whole of government arrangements.
It is an easy registration process containing some simple questions.
Everyone is welcome to apply to be registered.
If you are a NSW Government buyer (including private hospitals, local councils, non-profit organisations, educational institutes and public authorities) or private buyer you can use this platform to provide information about your needs and programs of bushfire recovery work.
The purpose of this portal is to connect buyers with regional suppliers and vice versa.
It assists buyers to give first preference to appropriate local suppliers based in affected regions. Any information gathered that is not commercial-in-confidence will be publicly available on the Buy.NSW website so that everyone can access it.
Vendor Instruction
We are establishing a supplier list and would like you to register your interest in providing urgent works in a range of goods and/or services as part of the bushfire recovery program.
Government and private buyers may also use this portal to provide information about planned bushfire recovery work.
To do this you must register on eTendering:
Prequalification Types
Supplier ListThis is a list of suppliers that offer a range of goods and/or services that have may have capability and capacity to work in the bushfire recovery program.
This is a list of government or private buyers (for example; NSW government agencies, local councils, educational facilities, public bodies or homeowners) looking to engage suppliers for bushfire recovery works.
Terms and ConditionsCapabilities
The Applicant must identify its areas of substantial expertise by nominating the categories in which it is seeking prequalification.
Agency, government or private buyer-
If you are a buyer please select this capability.
Such as construction, repair, maintenance, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, pest control, remediation, road works, rail services, facilities management, waste removal, associated trades and materials.
Medical and related services to maintain health and well-being. For example, medical professionals, social support and assistance.
Accommodation providers such as hotels and motels.
Provision of hospitality goods or services such as food, beverages, household items, furniture and other retail products.
Native animal welfare and related services for wildlife.
Other goods and services not covered on the list above.
Supplier List Questionnaire
The Applicant must answer the following questions based on the prequalification type they are applying for
Complete this set of questions if you are a supplier that has capability and capacity to provide goods and/or services for bushfire recovery.
In a few words, tell us about the goods and/or services you provide and your capacity to help with the recovery of bushfire affected areas. Please use keywords that are relevant to help buyers find you.
Some engagements require insurance. If you have Public Liability, Workers Compensation and/or Professional Indemnity insurance, please upload your Certificates of Currency here. If you do not have insurance policies - you can still apply to be part of this list.
Please provide an estimate of your standard hourly rate and/or per unit rate including GST for bushfire recovery works. At time of engagement, the buyer will carry out an assessment to ensure value for money is achieved for the citizens of NSW. Please note, this information will NOT be made publicly available. Only registered government buyers with an official eTender log in will be able to access this price estimate.
Buyer List Questionnaire
The Applicant must answer the following questions based on the prequalification type they are applying for
If you are a buyer, please provide a description of the works that you want to carry out for bushfire recovery. This will allow suppliers to have visibility of planned works in their region. Please use the following headings:
Estimated start date: