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UTS Salesforce Support Professional Services - UTS-1058680

RFT ID UTS-1058680
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 8-May-2023
Closes 26-May-2023 2:00pm
Category Information and technology
Agency University of Technology Sydney

Agency Address
15 Broadway Ultimo

Contact Person
Daisy Velasquez
Phone: 0000000000

Tender Details

UTS offers the opportunity to supply Salesforce Support Professional Services through an open Tender. Suppliers with the capability, experience, and product to meet the requirements of this RFT are invited to respond.

Respondents should note that the following mandatory requirements apply to this RFT:

1. Must provide detailed responses to all the Requirements of this RFT.

2. Must have a minimum of five (5) years’ demonstrable experience, citing:

     a. Two (2) $500 Million revenue p.a. Salesforce services clients, within the higher education sector or organisations of like size and complexity to UTS.

     b. An established in-house onshore team ready for deployment with expertise that can demonstrate successful delivery of an enterprise-wide CRM including in-depth knowledge of CRM related business processes for the tracking sales and services processes, and

     c. Two (2) referees relating to each of the client citations above. 

Tender briefing - Wednesday 17th May 2023 (see RFT documents for more details)



NSW Regions: South East Sydney

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Additional Details / Instructions

Parties seeking to download the Request For Tender documents must be registered with the TenderLink system. Registration can be completed through the following link:

Tenderers should contact Tenderlink technical assistance immediately if they experience any issues registering, downloading the EOI, submitting a tender, or otherwise using the UTS Tenderlink System.

Tenderlink technical assistance is provided via the following phone number: 1800-233-533. 

Enquiries should be made via the online forum within Tenderlink.

Address for Lodgement

Multi Agency Access
