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There will be limited buy NSW and eTendering support services from Monday 23 December 2024 until Sunday 5 January 2025. Thank you for your support throughout the year and we look forward to working with you again in 2025.

Nightcap Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Pump Replacement Construction - RFT-10021851

RFT ID RFT-10021851
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 23-Jul-2019
Closes 27-Aug-2019 9:30am
Category Civil engineering
Agency NSW Public Works

Contact Person
Steve Prosser
Phone: 02 66265687

Tender Details

Nightcap Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Pump Replacement Construction


NSW Regions: Far North Coast

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Additional Details / Instructions

*A non mandatory pretender site meeting will be held on Tuesday 6 August 2019 at 10:00 am at Nightcap Water Treatment Plant.

Obtaining the RFT Documents
Click on the DOWNLOAD A SOFT COPY - Free  link at the bottom of the page, then register your firm in the system (if not previously  registered), and follow onscreen instructions to download the RFT document files provided.

Lodging a Response


*Electronic Submissions ONLY via NSW Government etendering website:

As the tenderer you must be a current Registered user of this web site.
Click on the blue
LODGE ON RESPONSE link at the bottom of this page, then using your registered system Login Username and Password and follow the on-screen instructions to be taken to the lodging screen to submit your electronic tender response.

Electronic Tender Box Security
During the lodgement process all submitted responses are encrypted for security and stored securely in the “electronic tender box”.
All responses that are received successfully can only be accessed, decrypted, retrieved and opened after the RFT has officially closed.

RFT Response - receipt/confirmation
A detailed system generated electronic receipt is issued for all submitted responses files received successfully.

Software Requirements
To be able to view the requirements within the RFT you will require the following software to be installed on your PC:
* Adobe Acrobat Reader  5.0 (or more recent)
* Winzip  7.0 (or more recent) or equivalent

The RFT may also require the following software:
* Microsoft - Word 2010 or compatible version.
* Microsoft - Excel 2010 compatible version.

Other requirements:
Internet connection to lodge completed tender response
The tenderer is responsible for the provision and installation of the necessary software.

Address for Lodgement

*Electronic Submissions ONLY via NSW Government etendering website:

Conditions for Participation

This is a 2 envelope tender. Please submit your tender in two separate documents.

Estimated Timeframe for Delivery

23 weeks

Multi Agency Access
