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South East and Greater Sydney LLS Vertebrate Pest Contractors Panel of Suppliers - P23-5169

RFT ID P23-5169
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 21-Jun-2024
Closes 19-Jul-2024 10:00am
Category Agriculture
Agency Local Land Services

Contact Person
Angus Livolsi or Belinda Davies
Phone: 02 4644 6000

Tender Details

"South East and Greater Sydney Local Land Services seek suitably qualified, experienced, and equipped service providers for pest animal control works to be undertaken at various locations within the regions. 

Service categories are:

a.Baiting and fumigation  

b.Trapping and humane destruction 

c.Ground-based shooting (Type 1)  a 1 or 2 person team consisting of either a lone shooter Or shooter and assistant.

d.Ground-based shooting (Type 2)  a 3-person team consisting of a shooter, shoot controller and driver and is primarily used for tray based vehicle shooting operations.  

e.Tranquilise vertebrate pest animals 

f.Pest animal surveillance and monitoring

All Tenderers must meet mandatory criteria."


NSW Regions: Far North Coast, Mid North Coast, New England, Central Coast, Hunter, Cumberland/Prospect, Nepean, Northern Sydney, Inner West, South East Sydney, South West Sydney, Central West, Orana/Far West, Riverina/Murray, Illawarra, Southern Highlands

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Address for Lodgement

Multi Agency Access
