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Transport for NSW Ticket Vending Machines – Invitation for Market Sounding - TfNSW2023/008

RFT ID TfNSW2023/008
RFT Type Notice
Published 21-Aug-2023
Closes 25-Sep-2023 2:00pm
Category Information and technology
Agency Transport NSW - Corporate

Contact Person
Tyrone Li
Phone: 133 877

Tender Details

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) seeks to engage with industry to inform and shape its strategy for the Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) solution for the NSW transport network.
Our Invitation

This Invitation for Market Sounding (Invitation) sets out the process by which TfNSW seeks to engage with and collect information and opinions from industry. This Invitation and the responses provided by parties within the industry (as Participants) may inform TfNSW’s strategy development for the TVMs solution for the NSW transport network.

Insights sought from Participants relate to a range of topic areas for the TVMs including:

• willingness and ability for the market to upgrade, enhance and maintain the fleet of existing third-party TVMs

• willingness and ability for the market to progressively supply and install new TVMs across the NSW transport network as required

• current solutions available in the market

• alternative commercial and delivery models

• delivery and operations and maintenance risks and dependencies

• indicative costs.

This Market Sounding Process will be open until 14:00 (AEST) on Monday, 11 September 2023.

How to Participate in the Market Sounding Process

TfNSW invites experienced and skilled companies in TVMs to register for the Market Sounding Process by submitting a signed Confidentiality Deed Poll (in the form provided at Attachment 1 of this Invitation) via email to

Upon receipt of a duly executed Confidentiality Deed Poll in accordance with this Invitation, TfNSW will separately provide Invitation Attachment 2 (TfNSW - Ticket Vending Machines Information Document) and Invitation Attachment 3 (Questionnaire).

Submitting your Written Feedback

TfNSW views this Market Sounding Process as an opportunity for parties within the industry to contribute information based on their knowledge and experience.

TfNSW encourages participation, acknowledging that participation is completely voluntary. Participants may choose to answer all or some of the questions provided at Attachment 3 (Questionnaire) of this Invitation.

This Market Sounding Process is independent from any subsequent procurement process(es) and participation or otherwise will have no bearing on any future procurement processes.

Responses to the questionnaire are to be submitted electronically via email, in Microsoft Word format, up until 14:00 (AEST) on Monday, 11 September 2023, to:

Useful links

• Future Transport

• PBD-2019-05-Enforceable Procurement Provisions


NSW Regions: Inner West, South East Sydney, South West Sydney

RFT Type

Notice - A notice published on this website that relates to procurement or other relevant matters. It does not normally require any formal response. This is not a tender.

Additional Details / Instructions

All requests for information or questions regarding this Invitation or Market Sounding Process must only be referred to the Contact Officer:

                 Name:                                Tyrone Li

                 Email (preferred): 

All requests must be in writing.

Multi Agency Access
