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Supply of Tablet Computers - NSWEC2013-002

RFT ID NSWEC2013-002
RFT Type Expression of Interest For Pre-Qualification
Published 22-Oct-2013
Closes 8-Nov-2013 5:00pm
Category Computers
Agency NSW Electoral Commission

Contact Person
Robert Morley
Phone: 0292905959

Tender Details

The NSW Electoral Commission is acting as the facilitator of an Approach to Market for the supply of a large number of Tablet Computers to the three Electoral Commissions of NSW, Queensland and Victoria. The unts are required to support the elctoral processes in those three state jurisdictions.


NSW Regions: Far North Coast, Mid North Coast, New England, Central Coast, Hunter, Cumberland/Prospect, Nepean, Northern Sydney, Inner West, South East Sydney, South West Sydney, Central West, Orana/Far West, Riverina/Murray, Illawarra, Southern Highlands
States and Territories: QLD, VIC

RFT Type

Expression of Interest For Pre-Qualification - An invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for pre-registration of prospective tenderers for a type of work or service. Applicants are initially evaluated against published selection criteria. RFT may then be invited from a panel of providers (as Selective, or Invited).

Address for Lodgement

NSW Electoral Commission

Level 25,

201 Kent Street

Sydney NSW 2000