Tender Details
The work to be carried out under this contract comprises all work associated with the design, installation, disinfection (water main), restoration and testing for the rehabilitation and installation of specified pipelines (75mm,100mm, 150mm, 225mm and 300mm) of sewer and water main using trenchless technologies (pipe bursting) inclusive option of open trench technology (exhume and relay) in towns of the Wingecarribee Shire Council area. The main items of work to be constructed include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
- Renewal (pipe bursting) of approximately 2620 metres of CC and VC gravity sewer main of different diameter using MDPE PN 6.3 and 980 meters of rising main using MDPE PN 16.
- Disconnection and reconnection of approximately 102 house services including junctions to the upgraded sewers.
- Rehabilitation of all sewer service lines to the boundary shaft.
- Preliminary CCTV and cleaning of sewer mains (HOLD POINT) proposed for renewal or relining and post CCTV and reporting on post rehabilitation condition.
- Customer Notification and negotiation at all sites in accordance with councils service level agreements.
- Reinstatement of benching channels and drops in access chambers.
- Drops in the manhole to be included as part of the contract, the price for renewals to include drops as well.
- Testing of sewer mains and manholes.
- Replacement (pipe bursting and exhume and relay) of approximately 1027 meters of 100mm and 150mm AC water main at various sites using materials equivalent to Class 16. Please refer to Clause 2.15, Schedule 2 Water – Method Pipe Bursting and Exhume and Relay, Note1, Note 2 and Note 3.
- Provision of bypassing where required calculation of flow to be carried out by the contractor, critical customer nominated by the principal.
- Disconnection and reconnection of approximately 30 customer water services.
- Provision of temporary water supply where required.
- Temporary service pipe shall be clean and sterile.
- Connection of meters to temporary water services.
- Consultation with authorities where required.
- Disinfection and cleaning of water mains
- Testing of water mains.
- Replacing, sealing and testing of access chambers.
- Restoration of all property and infrastructure at all sites.
- Environmental protection at all sites.
- Work-as-executed information for all sites.
Estimated Value
RFT Type
This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details
Conditions for Participation
Mandatory Procurement briefing/Site Inspection on 15/03/2016 at Water and Sewer Depot, 9 Cavendish Street, Mittagong 2575.
Estimated Timeframe for Delivery
16 weeks after award of contract