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Market Study to identify and understand market capabilities and experience in providing Workers Compensation claims & injury management services - GGS2021-075 Industry Engagement

RFT ID GGS2021-075 Industry Engagement
RFT Type Invitation To Respond
Published 9-Nov-2021
Closes 6-Dec-2021 12:00pm
Category Financial and Insurance Services
Agency Insurance and Care NSW (icare)

Contact Person
Russell Su
Phone: 02 7922 5858

Tender Details

This is not a tender. This Market Study is a form of industry engagement, which is a separate process to any future individual procurement processes. However, icare may use the results and learnings from the Market Study to inform future procurement activities, including the development and publication of its procurement requirements.

The objective of this Market Study is to understand market capabilities and experience in providing workers compensation claims and injury management services.

This Market Study seeks submissions from Respondents describing key competencies across service offerings, digital and innovation capabilities, experience in managing claims and related services, and industry outlook and trends.

It is envisaged to help align icare’s procurement activities with current and emerging industry activities to inform planning, particularly relating to procurement strategy and definition of potential future-state operating models.


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Invitation To Respond - This is not a tender. The system is being used for invitation for public response to information published on, or accessible through, this website. Examples would include EIS, discussion papers, requests for information, registrations for position appointments, etc.

Additional Details / Instructions

Please see industry engagement documents

Address for Lodgement

Documentation lodgement at

Conditions for Participation

Please see industry engagement documents

Estimated Timeframe for Delivery

Please see industry engagement documents

Multi Agency Access
