Tender Details
This EOI Process is to identify and select a group of Candidate Foundation Generators (CFGs) within the CWO REZ with whom EnergyCo will engage with prior to the Consumer Trustee’s competitive process to award access rights.
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
EnergyCo held an online briefing session with Applicants on 11 April 2022.
The purpose of the online briefing session was to:
•introduce key EnergyCo representatives
•explain the objectives and format of the CFG engagement process
•position the CFG process within the wider Roadmap context
•provide an overview of the evaluation criteria
•confirm the timetable
•answer questions in relation to the EOI Process.
The presentation from this session is attached to this Expression of Interest.
EnergyCo may, in its absolute discretion, arrange individual sessions with one or more Applicants. Any such sessions will be conducted within the probity framework and in accordance with EnergyCo’s procurement process protocols.