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Sydney Water Corporation - WS4450704211 - RP03 Reinstatement – Advanced Notice of Procurement - SWC-WS4450704211-N

RFT ID SWC-WS4450704211-N
RFT Type Notice
Published 1-May-2024
Closes 17-May-2024 11:00pm
Category Infrastructure
Agency Sydney Water Corporation

Contact Person
Cimaine Hoang
Phone: 0400087941

Tender Details

Sydney Water will issue an Expression of Interest to the market. The market plays an important role in delivering Sydney Water’s growth objectives and we welcome your expertise as we embark on the formal procurement process.

RP03 Reinstatement:

The Prospect North and Ryde Water Delivery Systems are currently servicing a population of 1.6 million with the population expected to increase to 2.1 million by 2031 and 2.4 million by 2056.

In 2014, RP03 was decommissioned due to its poor condition and an unacceptable risk of failure. Under the existing system demands, PT01 has sufficient capacity to supply the peak day conditions, with RP03 offline. However, growth forecast in the supply zone has identified that PT01 will become a capacity constraint, triggering extensive capital investments in heavily populated areas. Furthermore, failure of the PT01 main or RP01, would cut-off the primary supply to Wahroonga, Pymble and adjacent supply zones.

As a result, Sydney Water plans to reinstate RP03 using a DN900, increasing the reliability and capacity of the original main to ensure the pipeline will be able to supply Wahroonga Reservoir during the forecasted peak day conditions. RP03 is a 10km pipeline, part of which runs along the M2 and through a national park. As a result, this will likely be reinstated through a combination of open trenching and trenchless construction methods. The subsequent result will reduce the possibility of failure for the Ryde to Prospect System, adding a redundancy for RP01 a main which currently supplies a population of 350,000 in the Northern Beaches.

Through this Expressions of Interest (EOI) process, Sydney Water invites Proponents to demonstrate they have the right experience, capability, understanding and commitment to work with Sydney Water as our delivery contractor to deliver the scope, objectives, assets and more.

We are seeking a delivery contractor who has a sound understanding of design development and the construction of pipelines.

We look forward to your participation and engagement. 


NSW Regions: Cumberland/Prospect, Nepean, Northern Sydney

RFT Type

Notice - A notice published on this website that relates to procurement or other relevant matters. It does not normally require any formal response. This is not a tender.

Related Records

  • RFTs:
    • SWC-WS4450704211

Additional Details / Instructions

Sydney Water conducts sourcing activities via SAP Ariba (the Sydney Water Ariba System) which is a third-party digital platform for sourcing and supplier management. To participate in Sydney Water’s sourcing events, interested organisations must complete the supplier selfregistration request on the Sydney Water Ariba System via this link:

Completing registration does not immediately grant an organisation access to the Sydney Water Ariba System and the expression of interest documents.

To participate in the procurement process of this Project, interested organisations are required to:

(a) complete the supplier self-registration request on the Sydney Water Ariba System;

(b) complete and return a correctly executed Confidentiality Deed Poll (CDP); and

(c) provide the contact details (including name, position, organisation, contact number and email address) of a primary contact person and an alternative contact person.

Organisations that have already self-registered on the Sydney Water Ariba System will only be required to complete Item (b) and Item (c) above.

Should an organisation anticipate partnering, as a joint venture, partnership or the like, with other organisations in the procurement process of this Project, each organisation will be required to complete Item (b) above and provide information as requested in Item (c) above for the joint venture or partnership.

Interested organisations must submit the executed CDP and contact details to Sydney Water at Interested organisations should also notify Sydney Water that it has self-registered as a supplier on the Sydney Water Ariba System.

Sydney Water encourages interested organisations to register as soon as possible. Sydney Water anticipates releasing the expression of interest documents to organisations that have successfully registered in this registration process, via the Sydney Water Ariba System, on Monday, 13 May 2024.

Sydney Water has provided an Advanced Notice of Procurement Memorandum with additional information intended to enable market procurement readiness and allow potential organisations to undertake teaming arrangements, assemble resources, assess risks and devise their best plans for responding to this opportunity

Multi Agency Access
