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Healthcare consumables within the Lifetime Care Schemes. - Con 1263

SON ID Con 1263
Agency Insurance and Care NSW (icare)
Published 1-Sep-2023
Category Healthcare services
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this Standing Offer
Provision and delivery of a broad range of healthcare consumables direct to participants within the Lifetime Care Schemes.
Standing Offer Duration 8-Jul-2023 to 8-Jul-2030

Supplier Details

Supplier Name ACN/ABN Location
Business Name: Independence Australia Group Pty Ltd ACN: 973805243
ABN: 80 973 805 243
Bldg 1, 9 Ashley Street
Footscray VIC 3012
Business Name: The Paraplegic & Quadriplegic Association of NSW
Trading Name: Brightsky Australia
ACN: 000355948
ABN: 42 000 355 948
6 Holker Street, Newington NSW 2127
Newington NSW 2127
Method of Tendering


Description of any provisions under which the Standing Offer may be renegotiated
Pricing Variations may be requested after the first 12 months of the contract and no sooner than 12 months subsequent to the last pricing variation request.

Standing Offer Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Agency Contact Procurement

Street Address 321 Kent St

Town/City Sydney

State/Territory NSW

Postcode 2000

Other Information

Total spend $80,500,000 (estimate only no guarantee)