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Professional Services for Software Development Project - YR-2023-0092

SON ID YR-2023-0092
Agency NSW Police Force
Published 8-Sep-2023
Category Managed and outsourced services
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this Standing Offer

Developer resources with Natural/Adabas technical skills to deliver work packages and documentation written in plain English

Standing Offer Duration 14-Aug-2023 to 13-Aug-2028

Supplier Details

Supplier Name ACN/ABN Location
Business Name: Tata Consultancy Services Limited ACN: 109981777
ABN: 28 109 981 777
Level 6/76 Berry Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
Method of Tendering

Non Tender

Standing Offer Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Agency Contact NSW Police Headquarters