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HBCF Distributor Panel - 4700000026

SON ID 4700000026
Agency Insurance and Care NSW (icare)
Published 30-Jun-2021
Category Insurance services
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this Standing Offer

Distribution of HBCF insurance and the provision of services to Eligible builders

Original Standing Offer Duration 30-Apr-2021 to 30-Sep-2021
Amended Standing Offer Duration 30-Apr-2021 to 30-Sep-2025

Related RFT ID

Supplier Details

Supplier Name ACN/ABN Location
Business Name: Coverforce Insurance Broking Pty Ltd ACN: 118883542
ABN: 11 118 883 542
Level 26, Tower 1 International Towers
Barangaroo NSW 2000
Business Name: Don Hutton Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd ACN: 003084384
ABN: 37 003 084 384
500 Forest Road
Penshurst NSW 2222
Business Name: Finsura Insurance Broking (Australia) Pty Ltd
Trading Name: Finsura & HBW Solutions
ACN: 003334763
ABN: 58 003 334 763
8 McMullen Ave
Castle Hill NSW 2154
Business Name: HIA Insurance Services Pty Ltd ACN: 076460967
ABN: 84 076 460 967
4 Byfield Street
North Ryde NSW 2113
Business Name: Insurance House Pty Ltd ACN: 006500072
ABN: 33 006 500 072
Level 3, 100 Wellington Parade
East Melbourne VIC 3002
Business Name: Master Builders Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd ACN: 110143550
ABN: 17 110 143 550
52 Parramatta Road
Forest Lodge NSW 2037
Business Name: Queensland Master Builders Association ACN: 641989386
ABN: 96 641 989 386
417 Wickham Terrace
Brisbane QLD 4000
Business Name: Savill Hicks Corp Pty Ltd ACN: 009392125
ABN: 96 009 392 125
Level 2, 2 Glen Street
Milsons Point NSW 2061
Business Name: Willis Australia Ltd ACN: 000321237
ABN: 90 000 321 237
Level 16, 123 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Method of Tendering


Standing Offer Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Agency Contact Procurement

Street Address 321 Kent St

Town/City Sydney

State/Territory NSW

Postcode 2000

Phone Number +43439133368

Other Information

Contract arrangement with no guaranteed value