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Sydney Trains & NSW Trains / Hardware and Software Services - CW2518520

SON ID CW2518520
Agency Sydney Trains
Published 27-May-2024
Category Other
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this Standing Offer

Provision of LiDAR data acquisition using hardware and software to measure platform clearance, track alignment, and vegetation clearance

Standing Offer Duration 10-May-2024 to 9-May-2026

Supplier Details

Supplier Name ACN/ABN Location
Business Name: Jacobs Group Australia Pty Ltd ACN: 001024095
ABN: 37 001 024 095
Level 7, 177 Pacific Highway
North Sydney NSW 2060
Other private sector entities involved in, with an interest in or benefiting from this Standing Offer


Method of Tendering


Standing Offer Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Agency Contact Xiaohui Chen