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More Trains More Services (MTMS) - Independent Estimator Services - IPD-19-7839A

SON ID IPD-19-7839A
Agency Transport for NSW
Published 14-Aug-2020
Category Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this Standing Offer

The Professional Services Contractor may be called upong to undertake Independent Estimator services for the More Trains More Services (MTMS) Project.

When engaged, the Professional Services Contractor will provide assurance to TfNSW that the Total Outturn Cost (TOC) developed by each Incentivised Delivery Entity (IDE) is a reasonable estimate to deliver the project, ensuring that the project delivers value for money TfNSW and is consistent with P50 risk based estimating principles.

Original Standing Offer Duration 23-Jul-2020 to 22-Jul-2023
Amended Standing Offer Duration 23-Jul-2020 to 22-Jul-2025

Related RFT ID

Supplier Details

Supplier Name ACN/ABN Location
Business Name: KPMG ACN: 194660183
ABN: 51 194 660 183
Tower 3, 300 Barangaroo Avenue
Sydney NSW 2000
Method of Tendering


Description of any provisions under which the Standing Offer may be renegotiated

TfNSW Standing Offer Deed (SOD) - Clause 2.2 Expiry

The SOD will expire 5 years from date of execution and may be extended.

Standing Offer Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Agency Contact Attn: Project Information Officer, Infrastructure and Place, TfNSW

State/Territory NSW